10 billion to buy 5,000,000 iPhone, how long it takes sold, 5 million iPhone Unicom earn the amount of 5 million pairs of Unicom's 3G business has much to promote the effect; a group of Friends of the comments, Unicom and the iPhone over a year see-saw negotiations, warm, ready, finally coming into fruition today to be able to frankly the bridal chamber of the Bureau of Civil Affairs card issuance; but this night will not be too expensive? or that the feelings of the future will be how the two, down the days Unicom expected really like you so happy.
Another problem, before moving on, Apple sticking to the divided, and now "forced" to give up hope Apple dug wells in China, long-term collection of water charges dream come true; media commented that this is because the control of the negotiations Unicom right to speak, so to force Apple to give up sharing model, which also facilitate the interchange copy navigating the additional iPhone-style (built-in charge software) pricing model for its 3G business to add a new revenue channel.鐒惰?锛屾帴涓嬫潵鐨勮矾瀛愬皢浼氭?鏍?杩欒繕鏄釜鏈煡鏁般? But I believe that:
First, determine the user's enthusiasm for the future market Unicom iPhone, Apple knew Ruozai is divided into time-consuming and very serious consequences, so give up the money into early, this Apple urgent than Unicom, Unicom This can be seen as picking up a cheap;
Second, Apple granted Unicom widely seen a few magic (buy, exclusive) is the next drawing of the "Monkey King Bar"; this in the media has done online survey responses also revealed that over 30% of people iPhone interest, but interest does not mean we do not forget the reality, because the other set of data also showed that more than 61% of people said the price of the iPhone is now unbearable, coupled with the impact of a number of models with the models, Unicom yet to be able to continue Swordsman market and user authentication;
Third, spend 10 billion procurement of 5 million iPhone, although the money on the interchange is not a astronomical, but the key is high expectations for its iPhone. There are various signs surface, Unicom pulling its 3G services on the iPhone count value is very high, as the core of its future business will be bet on iPhone, which was not too risky;
銆??鍥涖?鑱旈?鐜版湁鐨勪互鍙婃鍦ㄥ睍寮?殑3G锛屽叾鐢ㄦ埛閲忋?纭欢鍩虹銆佷俊鍙疯鐩栧姣旂Щ鍔ㄩ兘杩樻湁寰堝ぇ宸窛锛岃繎鏃ヨ仈閫氫竴浣嶉珮绠$О锛氣?500涓囬儴鎵嬫満鎰忓懗鐫?00涓囧悕鏂扮敤鎴凤紝浠ョ洰鍓岰DMA3G鎵嬫満鐨?00澶氬厓/鏈堢殑濂楅璧勮垂璁$畻锛?iPhone灏嗕績杩涜仈閫氳瘽璐规敹鍏ユ毚澧?~4鍊?鈥濇湁閽变汉鏋滅劧璐㈠ぇ姘旂矖锛屼絾鍒拷鐣ヤ簡鏈夊灏戠敤鎴疯兘鎺ュ彈涓轰簡鐜﹊Phone鑰岄?鎷╄仈閫?G锛屽張鏈夊灏戠敤鎴锋槸涓鸿仈閫?G鏈嶅姟鑰岄?鎷﹊Phone鐨勶紝鎴戞兂杩欎釜闂闇?鑰冭檻娓呮銆?I worry that China Unicom 3G 400 澶氬厓 / month Package rates problems, and recently the sound can be seen from all sides, we have a great controversy, so "you can afford iPhone Zan support it" may be user hesitation of key factors.
5, mobile ophone spoiler, Unicom will be a certain pressure.鍓嶈?鐨凮phone宸茶仈鍚堣仈鎯崇瓑澶氬鍘傚晢鎺ㄥ嚭鐩稿簲鐨勬満鍨嬭?涓旀槸浣跨敤璋锋瓕鍏嶈垂鐨凙ndroid绯荤粺;鑰岃仈閫氬畾鍒剁増iPhone浣跨敤鐨勬槸璧锋敹璐规ā寮忕殑AppStore锛岀敤鎴蜂細涔拌皝鐨勫笎锛岃繕鏈夊緟瑙傚療銆?br />
This shows that the optimistic estimate is expected in China Unicom's iPhone 3G and iPhone set off an upsurge. The same time, the pros and cons believe the move before a certain measure of well-off, whether in the future whether the scene depicted as brilliant as Unicom, completed the bridal chamber to enjoy the passion of the spring supper, their days will be very moist or very bumpy, and is an unknown. Apple was drawing near as mobile, but now looking at holding their opponents Niu before the wedding, it will be in place to respond to action and look forward to.
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